Personal Essay Writing

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Therapeutic, personal essay writing courses to examine and understand life's events

Coached by
Carol Celeste

© 2005-2010 Carol Celeste
All rights reserved.


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In a personal essay, you as the narrator tell a story from your life and provide reflection by disclosing your current thoughts and feelings about the event. The reader expects to learn a bit of who you are as a fellow human being, and possibly may identify with something you say or a lesson you've learned. A well-written personal essay satisfies the author and entertains the reader.

If you would like to learn to write personal essays for your own benefit, for a legacy to your children or grandchildren, or for publication, select from the following options:

Personal Essay Writing Courses

Writing Personal Essays, a six-week email course

Writing Personal Essays--Advanced, a six-session email course

Your Life in Essays, an eight-session email course

Give a course as a gift!
Click on the course you want to give, Writing Personal Essays or Your Life in Essays, and follow the instructions for purchasing a gift certificate.

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This is a listing of print and online publications that pay to publish personal essays.

Critiquing Guidelines
These are the guidelines I consider when I critique personal essays for my students.

Additional Resources
These are links to web sites related to personal essay writing.

I found a software program that allows you to maintain a confidential journal on your own computer. LifeJournal is a clever program that lets you journal and track your emotions and life events over time. Easy to install and intuitive to use.